Barunuss, Barunüsse, Baru Nuss, Baru, Noix de Baru, Barunuts, Bio, Vegan, Veganer, Glutenfrei, wildlese, Nährwerte, Proteine, Omega 6, Omega 9, Mineralien, Vitamine, geröstet, Superfood, gute fette, Aminosäuren, Antioxidantien, nachhaltig

How to eat Baru nuts: best ways to enjoy this powerful food!

The Baru nut is a superfood rich in vitamins, good fats, amino acids and antioxidants that brings many health benefits. Some people might be hearing about this nut for the first time, so they should have doubts on how to enjoy it properly. Check out the article below with more information on how easy it is to include these delicious nuts in your routine!

What are Baru Nuts?

Baru is a fruit of the Fabaceae family, popularly known as legume. More specifically, the fruit comes from a tree, and it develops a sweet fleshy body around a hard shell that contains the nuts. After harvested, if stored appropriately still inside their shell and away from moisture, the Baru nuts can last for a long period. However, the tree only bears fruit every 2 years.

The Baru tree, named Baruzeiro, is originally from the Cerrado, a savanna region located in the central highlands of Brazilian territory. Most trees are native, ancient, and they grow wild without the use of pesticides and other chemicals commonly applied in conventional crops. The Baruzeiro also plays a major role in balancing the ecosystem. The fruit matures during the dry season and feeds the native fauna, the cattle and people, who usually consume the pulp in jams and sweet recipes and the nuts as well. Sadly, the Cerrado biome has been endangered by the last 50 years of increasing deforestation. But luckily, on the bright side, there are movements and programs led by NGOs in partnerships with local government and landowners to recover damaged Cerrado areas by replanting native vegetation.

The fruit can only be harvested after it falls ripe from the tree. This means the fruit is fully developed and proper for consumption. As it is a manual process, Baru picking employs many people from the region. They organize themselves to set up cooperatives that make the Baru nuts commercially viable and generate income for the families involved.


Baru nuts are highly nutritious and less caloric than most other nuts. They are rich in essential fatty oils, omega-6 and omega-3, minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium, Vitamin E, essential amino acids and high levels of protein. 

A 2013 Brazilian study evaluated the effects of consuming Baru nuts for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in individuals with a moderated high cholesterol profile. As control, one group ate a daily dose of 20 grams of nuts for 45 days, while another group ingested a placebo. The results confirmed the effect of Baru nuts in reducing lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, which are part of the fatty plaques that accumulate in blood vessels and cause cardiovascular diseases. This benefit of Baru nuts is attributed to its nutritional composition, in particular its mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, the 'good fats' for the body.

How to eat Baru nuts?

Baru nuts have gained market share as they are an ecological product with great potential and culinary versatility. Its taste resembles peanuts, but harder in texture like almonds. Its use in gastronomy is on the rise and more chefs are eager to explore the nut’s possibilities in modern recipes. In Brazil, renowned chefs have been experimenting with Baru nuts as a substitute for other oilseeds in traditional dishes, in addition to inventing new uses for it. Their creativity is endless! 

Baru nuts can be consumed to replace most nuts, like peanuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, etc. There are no contraindications to their consumption, however, people with allergic reactions to other nuts should be aware and avoid eating them.

It is important to highlight that Baru nuts should always be eaten toasted, as they have phytates and antinutritional components that hinder the human body’s capability to absorb vitamins. The heat used in toasting lowers the levels of those substances and inactivates their effect.

The best way to consume Baru nuts — like any other nut — is in its natural presentation: toasted and without the addition of spices, salt or sugars, which can increase its caloric content. The recommended daily intake for Baru nuts is about 20 grams, which corresponds to 12 to 14 seeds, with average 100 calories.

Essentially, Baru nuts can be included or be a substitute in any recipe that involves nuts. The possible combinations of Baru nuts with other ingredients like fruits, chocolates, vegetables, meats, pastas, doughs are still in the making and are set up to be incredibly delicious! 

Here are some suggestions on how to eat Baru nuts in your daily diet:

Breads, cakes and cookies - Baru nuts can substitute other nuts in many bread, cake or cookie flavored doughs. Feel free to experiment them in your recipes, especially those that require a crunchy texture! You can also mix them with chocolate or crystalised fruit flavors.

Scattered - you can scatter chopped Baru nuts as a topping over a variety of recipes, from sweet desserts to savory dishes. Try them on ice creams, puddings, mousses, sprinkled over cake toppings, pasta, meat crusts, sauces - like pesto or creamy sauces -, and whatever your imagination comes up with!

Spreads - Baru nuts can be used as a substitute in homemade peanut butter recipes. You can experiment with including them in grain mixes to make sweet and savory nut butters, which can, in turn, be used in various other recipes or eaten as a topping. If you love peanut butter, this is a way to add new flavor in your already loved food.

Smoothies and Vitamin shakes - These are quick and extremely nutritious recipes that you can easily prepare in your daily routine. Smoothies and Vitamin Shakes usually consist of a mixture of fruits and vegetables with milks (including vegan milk), juices, water, yogurts, spices, nuts, oats and seeds, all blended together with a mixer or shaker. Substitute the nuts in your favorite recipes or add Baru nuts to them. You will not regret it! 

Combined with dry fruit - This is an excellent blend for your health! Plums, apricots, dates, raisins, and so many other dried fruits help to make snacks in between meals substantial in dietary fiber, vital minerals and vitamins. Because they conserve their nutrients, dried fruits are rich in Complex vitamins A, B and C and minerals like iron, magnesium and calcium. These nutrients help to maintain healthy nails and hair, prevent anemia, protect the heart, regulate the intestines and increase immunity. Prepare your own mix to boost your healthy snacks! 

Cereal and Power Bars - As mentioned above, the combination of Baru nuts and dried fruit is a super nutritious option. Therefore, another practical way to include it in your routine is consuming cereal and power bars that have the Baru nuts in the recipe! You can venture out into the kitchen and create your own bars, or, conveniently, try ours! 

Mind Up Baru Power Bars (Coming soon) will help you to maintain your energy levels throughout the day and are a healthy uncomplicated snack option!

Whichever way you prefer to include Baru nuts in your diet, rest assured that your choice will be significant for your health, promoting many beneficial effects! In addition, you will be helping to increase the income of families from the Cerrado savanna, who depend on producing Baru nuts to improve their lives and cultivate the land in a sustainable way.

Baru nuss