Mind Up Food: Good for your Mind and Body

Nature offers a multitude of treasures around the world and among the most important ones are the superfoods. Our job is to bring those goods from many different countries directly to you!

We focus on providing only natural products, whether fresh or powdered, without chemical additives. Our goal is to deliver diverse food products with high nutritional value to our customers, always respecting the principles of fair trade and sustainability and leaving fewer environmental footprints.

What moves us?

Our strength is to provide to our customers, products that are not frequently found in the European market, starting with Switzerland. For this reason, we import special goods from all over the world to be able to offer a diversity of products. Also, by always seeking the fair trade, we want to generate income for all parties involved in the chain. We value local producers and sustainable practices in food production.

What is our mission?

Our mission is to help people who seek to improve their diet, enlighten their mood, increase their well-being, boost their productivity, regulate their weight and to stay healthy.

We play our part by trying to sell only Organic or Wild harvested products, in recyclable or biodegradable packaging, and by staying sustainable throughout the entire trade chain.

We are committed to provide counterparts to nature for the products taken from it. Through our partnership with the Black Jaguar Foundation, Mind Up Food will contribute to the reforestation of the Amazon Rainforest by planting a tree for every 10 kg of Baru nuts sold in our e-commerce!