Barunuss, Barunüsse, Baru Nuss, Baru, Noix de Baru, Barunuts, Bio, Vegan, Veganer, Glutenfrei, wildlese, Nährwerte, Proteine, Omega 6, Omega 9, Mineralien, Vitamine, geröstet, Superfood, gute fette, Aminosäuren, Antioxidantien, nachhaltig

Discover the benefits of the Baru nut, a super food for your nutrition and health.

Eating nuts and seeds regularly brings many benefits for a healthier life and well-being. They are easy to come by, practical, rich in nutrients and absolutely delicious! Recent studies have revealed evidence that people who eat at least a small portion of nuts every day are less likely to develop diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic conditions. 

Some people might still have the wrong assumption that nuts should be avoided because they are high in calories and fat. In fact, they are, but nuts and seeds contain mixtures of fats, including monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids, along with saturated fat in minimum amounts, which represent a potent combination for our metabolism. 

Moreover, nuts are a great source of many nutrients, healthy fats, fiber, protein and loaded with antioxidants. They may aid weight loss, lower the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, reduce inflammation and the risk of heart attack and stroke. Nuts also contribute to satiety, as they are more likely than foods high in carbohydrates to make you feel full. 

Baru nuts, an ecofriendly nutritional powerhouse

Originating from the Brazilian savanna – in the central highlands known as “Cerrado” region –, Baru nuts are a member of the oilseed family and are grown wild on Baruzeiro trees. The nut is encased in a rigid outer shell which is inside a fleshy fruit.

Unlike the popular Brazil nuts, Baru nuts taste like a hybrid of a cashew and a peanut, but they are harder in texture. Baru is considered by locals a medicinal plant, as it has treatment properties for various diseases, like rheumatism, in addition to aphrodisiac effects and helps to increase fertility. 

Baru nuts are rich in essential fatty oils, omega-6 and omega-3, minerals such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, essential amino acids and high levels of protein. For the same portion, they are lower in calories and total fat than other familiar nuts (i.e. walnuts, almonds, cashews) and higher in protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. 

The nuts are harvested seasonally by hand, from August to October, only after they fall ripe from the tree once every two years. The Baruzeiro tree can grow up from 15 to 25 meters height and manage to reach higher than that in more fertile soils. The treetops can be elongated or wide, from 6 to 11 meters in diameter. Most Baruzeiros are native and ancient trees, but due to the growing deforestation in the Cerrado region there are reforestation programs to rescue the species. The wood is noble and valuable, with antifungal characteristics and resistant to termites.

Baru picking employs many people in rural areas. After removing the fruit, the rigid shells are burst one by one with a machete or a nutcracker to release the nuts. The use of heavy machinery is not indicated because of the risk of the nut breaking, which makes Baru lose market value. The Baru tree possesses an enormous ecological importance in Cerrado and is classified as a key-species. Once the fruit matures during dry season, it serves as a feeding source to the regional fauna, including cattle. The sustainable use of Baru can contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in the biome and for the balance of nature in Cerrado region. 

Since the tree only bears fruits every 2-year cycle, Baru producers focus particular attention to nut storage, so they have product available for the whole year. When stored away from moisture and in a proper place, the inner shell without the fruit can make the Baru nut last for years. 

Nutritional facts

Baru nuts have a pleasant taste and can be eaten in many alternative ways. But there is a specific condition: The nuts should never be ingested raw; it is necessary to roast them before eating. This is because fresh nuts have an elevated concentration of phytates and antinutritional substances, which make the human body unable to properly absorb minerals and vitamins. The heat used in roasting manages to reduce those substances and neutralizes their effects.

Baru nuts provide an excellent source of nutrients and its consumption helps to fulfill the necessary daily levels of vitamins and minerals that are needed to maintain the body’s function active. 

Approximate centesimal composition (g/100g) e calorific value (Kcal/100g) of Baru nut

Component Nut
Protein 25,1
Fat 39,9
Fiber 4,0
Carbohydrates 27,9
Energy kcal/100g 571

 Source: UFAG Laboratory AG - Kornfeldstrasse 4, CH-6210, Sursee.


Among the nutrients present in Baru nuts, here are some of their key benefits:

Magnesium: important for cellular health, bone integrity, and neurological reactions

Calcium: essential for bone health, improves concentration, and acts on hormonal modulation

Zinc: controls blood pressure, increases immunity, has antioxidant power in our body and increases fertility

Potassium: important for muscle contraction, for our body's acid-base balance and reduces fatigue.

Iron: reduces the risk of anemia and is important for brain function

Amino acids: essential for the growth, development and production of hormones

Polyunsaturated fatty acids: reduces inflammation and protects the brain

Vitamin E: has a powerful antioxidant action, balances cholesterol levels, improves the health of hair and skin, and protects the cell membrane.


How to consume Baru nuts in my daily routine?

Baru nuts are a versatile ingredient and can be used in various tasty recipes or even enjoyed alone as an appetizer. They can replace most nuts, like walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, among others in most recipes, adding a new flavor to your life. Its easy to include Baru nuts in your daily diet: check out some suggestions:

Snacks: It’s effortless to just grab a handful of nuts between meals, why not Baru nuts? For healthier options, look for those roasted with no sodium, sugars or other additives. If you want to add more flavor, try sprinkling turmeric, cinnamon or cocoa powder on them and heat for a few seconds in the oven. You can find Mind Up roasted unseasoned Baru nuts on

Scattered: chopped Baru nuts add flavor and texture to salads, sandwiches and whole grain breakfast cereals. You can also include them in a mix of a yogurt of your choice, fresh fruit, granola and honey, or whatever you would like to combine.

Spread: you can use Baru nuts to substitute peanuts in a homemade nut butter recipe. 

Substitute: For vegan diets, replacing the meat presents a particular challenge, and Baru nuts might do the trick. Search for vegan recipes that uses nuts and then put the Baru nut instead!

Cereal Bars: cereal or power bars are a widely popular snack you might already enjoy. Try out a flavor containing Baru nuts! They add new layers of flavor and texture to your taste, in addition to providing an extra source of nutrients to your routine, without radically altering it! Try Mind Up power bars (coming soon).

Smoothies and Vitamin Shakes: Baru nuts can be added to smoothies and vitamin blends to boost nutrients and flavor. A simple recipe can contain some frozen strawberries, a banana, vegetable milk of your choice, a spoonful of oatmeal and two Baru nuts!


All that information made you eager to try Baru nuts? Check out our website and discover our products!

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